The 2-Minute Rundown
Likes: Good design, music of all genres, pretty much any sport, eating, cooking, going to concerts, living in the moment, digging for records, trying new things, the shutter sound, outdoors, a nice pair of sweatpants
Dislikes: Nasty attitudes, bad drivers, traffic, the texture of coconut, not willing to try something new, onions in potato salad, olives (I’ve tried numerous times to like them), liars
- I once was Screech’s bodyguard in college for a comedy show.
- I could live off of breakfast and mexican food.
- I like to make outrageous claims like I’ve been to at least 500 concerts (has to be close)
- Avid fan of games – board, card, outdoor, sports, mind
- I wish Drive-In movies would make a comeback.
What Drives Me

Helping others and being a positive influence to those I encounter is very important to me. If I can somehow impact someone’s life in a beneficial way, I consider that to be a good day.
To be valued while providing value. I want to work with others who think along the lines of providing the best work possible at all times. Doing things the right way. Working hard and being proud in your finished product. That’s my mission.
Driven individual with a desire to provide the best work possible. At the end of the day, I’ve got to be proud of the work that I’ve put in. Often like to reward myself for said hard work with a lovely craft brew and variety of games. Perhaps a hike or some disc golf, maybe a concert. Who knows? All I do know is that whatever you do, do your best and have fun doing it.
Think things through. Weigh out your options. Observe the situation. Note what opportunities and threats may lie ahead. Plan accordingly. React when necessary.
From shooting products and concerts to writing and designing e-commerce sites, here’s a little taste.